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Pimples are inflammation of the skin, which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) become infected with bacteria, swell up, and fill with pus.Pimples are normal skin conditions that has many natural methods that can be used to treat pimples within a very short time period.There are a lot of creams and medications that people use to treat pimples but it takes time to have effecst or worsens the condition, pimples can make a person feel miserable or less beautiful due to they appearance.

So, i will be listing out some natural home made remedies for fast pimple cures and trust me, the work faster than some of those creams and medicines we use on our pimples.


Who would believe that garlic could cure pimples,it helps in the fast healing of pimples because of the sulfur it contains and it could purify the blood if you eat garlic daily.

So cut garlic into wo pieces,rub the juice on the affected area and wait for five mintue then wash with warm water. Repeat treatment daily.


Paw paw is a good and natural source of the antioxidant vitamin A, and it contains enzymes that reduce inflammation and softens and smoothens the skin.

Crush raw paw paw fruit, extract the juice which you should apply on the pimples on the face and wash off after five or ten minutes.

Paw paw could serve as an exfoliating face mask, if you added some drops of honey into the crushed paw paw. Apply and wash after 10 or 15 minutes of the therapy.


Cucumber could be used to cool and sooth effects on our skin. it's rich in potassium and vitamin A,C and E. Cut the fruit into pieces into water ,leave it for sometime. strain the water and drink or wash your face with the water.


Toothpaste could treat pimples as fast as possible,especially when you use over night.Just make sure the toothpaste remains on the pimples for at least half an hour.

Apply white toothpaste on the pimple after shower at night and go to bed.

Wash it off the next morning and see the improvement on that area.


Most people think that steaming the face comes up only when you have cold or flu,No it is good for the face because it opens the pores on the face and allows it to take in fresh breathe. This therapy helps to get rid of oils, bacterias and dirt which the face has accumilated over time, so it is very good for pimples.

Boil some water and empty it into a large a container,let the steam get in contact with your face for some minutes .

After, rinse off and dry the face with a neat towel, apply a free oil lotion on your.

If you follow this procedures ,your pimples will disappear after weeks of daily therapy without stress of going to buy those creams or medicines.

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